
Blog entry #1 - Fake friendship

Today my life is completely upside down. Almost everyone whom outside of my immediate family are no longer in my life. Albeit, my toxic self destructive thoughts/actions and OCD pry had lots to do with it. Trying to be functional when you just don’t have any energy is incredibly difficult. Some reinforce the notion it’s on the other person, not me. All because I’m upfront, too direct, it’s all about people owning their own shit. Well I must have chosen weak people? I’m learning towards the pushing people away area. One I have absolutely no fucking clue how I did it, maybe that one is on them?  Right now — I’m basically just done with all of it and waiting for this bullshit to conclude. My heart is nonexistent at this point. I am tired of people’s words not meeting with their actions. Universe don’t send me anymore fake ass people who don’t know loyalty or respect. Hell — just don’t send anyone my way!!  ✌️